Friday, March 20, 2015

Saving money, The struggle of Growing Up

Hello again all! 

I have been so busy with real life stuff I haven't thought about blogging. That's a lie, I did but on Spring break, my last spring break ever, I relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful warm weather.

Now that I am back to reality, I have discovered growing up cost money. LOTS of money. This is unfortunate as I DO have a job, but it is part time and my expenses are greater than my income.I've been struggling to find the funds to cover all the things I need/want to do this year. Including my honeymoon. It's tough but I 'll get through it. I always do.

My post today is about staying sane when times are tough and money isn't there. I've always been thrifty and always needed to save so this has become a normal part of my life over the years.

1. Treat Yourself 
 I am NOT saying go out and buy yourself something new. I am saying if you have had a bad day or something, go to McDonalds and buy yourself a 2$ chocolate dipped cone.

2. Stay AWAY From Your Favorite Store
 I love shopping just as much as the next girl but sometimes it IS hard to resist sale prices. While something may be 75% off, the 15$ you still are spending could have been saved. That is still 15$ spent.

3. Enjoy Things You Already Have
I always forget that I have so many things I can enjoy already. This could mean my camera, movies, or even video games. Pick up something you haven't used or seen in a while when you are bored.

4. Sell/Donate Your Old Things
If you really need money, cleaning out your closet and home can be a good way to find some old items to sale. For clothes, you can sell them to Platos closet or other stores who buy gently worn items. You may not get a lot of money, but it IS more than you made having those shoes sit in your closet for months unworn. Yard sales are a good option as well. What can't be sold, donate because it is nice to declutter as well.

inspiring words of the week

The final bit is I know it sucks. You have bills, things you want to do, and you need new clothes for something. It is what it is and if you can't change it, that is okay. It won't be this way forever just get by for now. That's how I feel. I'll have worked hard in the end for all the things I am going to have and struggling right now is a part of the journey.

Toodles Poodles.

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